Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Wage differences in Urban Informal Sector of China Essay
Wage differences in Urban Informal Sector of China - Essay Example Though the study of migration is not new in economics, the study considered in this context is important due to the wage differences between urban and rural areas and the informal sector of the urban areas. In this study of migration of China, the household was recognised regarding migration. Instead of number of people migrated to urban areas, the households migrated are been registered in China. Out of urban-urban, rural -rural migrations, the rural -urban migration exposed the wage differences issue. 1 The migration from rural to urban is so much important as it was assumed that the hukou system of 1950s was proposed to tie the farmers to the land. This is for supplying low cost agricultural products to the industrial sector. This restricted the mobility of the people during the great famine during s1960s. The farmers depended on collective farming and the opportunity cost for migration was very high. The migration was made easy and speeded up when china started economic reforms in 1978. 2 The urban informal sector of developing countries like China absorbs who cannot find productive employment. If this point is ignored, it can be stated that it will contribute to employment and income generation. The legal status of the activities of the companies in the informal sector will fall outside the reach of the government regulations. This is due to the size of the companies having less than 10 employees and usage of simple and traditional technology. In China the government is limited to administrative resources tend to focus on large scale operations. The minimum wage legislation is enforced only in large scale establishments and informal sector was out of the reach of that legislation. One more reason for non implementation is that the companies seize to exist when the legislation is implemented. This needs the study of the determinants of employment in the urban informal sector in China. The size of the labour force of urban informal sector is due to the interactions wi thin the economy as a whole. The absorption capacity rural areas regarding labour decides the migration and wage differences in the system. Though the urban informal sector is less in wages than the formal sector, the migration continues due to the still lesser wages in the rural areas. The urban informal sector absorbs very poor people as labour. As the sector provides income continuously without security, the poor and semi qualified people are absorbed by this sector. Particularly unskilled labour are employed and their lack of skills result in lower wages. 4. Effects of Informal Sector In the globalisation and economic reforms period the countries like china are catching up the opportunities of trade and development. International specialisation has become more effective during the period of specialisation and the liberalisation resulted in lowering the transport costs. The informal sectors discussed the macroeconomic role of labour reallocation. This analysed the effects of economic growth, production and trade patterns. This included the analysis of wages and there existed a substantial difference between the wages of formal and informal sectors. This resulted in the differences in the effects of formal and informal sectors on macro economic effects. The simulation regarding the allocation of workers, has put them across low and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The continued discrimination against homosexuals
The continued discrimination against homosexuals Homosexuality is very common in society. However many individuals still discriminate against them. Their prejudgments are based on stereotypes, and lack of information. Due to our social perception, people who are different from them is deem to be threatening. In this report, discrimination against homosexuals will be discussed, with facts, different supporting examples and cases from Singapore and the United States, with Singapore being the more traditionally conservative one. Ways to reduce discriminations against them is also mentioned and explored. The issue and who are involved? We can fall in love, but why cant they? Homosexuality is romantic and/or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex or gender, making up around 10% of the population. Sadly, they continue to be one of the least protected by the government and discriminated against by the society. Homosexuality was categorized as a mental disorder until 1973. The words gay and lesbian are used to refer to homosexual men and women and bisexual refers to those that are attracted to both men and women. Brief History on Homosexuals in Singapore In 1960s, Homosexuality was categorized as a condition in a Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). Before enlistment, all enlistees would undergo a medical checkup and asked to declare their homosexuality status. Those declared will be downgraded to a Public Employment Status of 3 and were assigned to be clerks. In 1998, Senior Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew , live on CNN International, said, what we are doing as a government is to leave people to live their own lives so long as they dont impinge on other people. I mean, we dont harass anybody. these words helped set the tenor for official policy on homosexuality for many years. His comments is said to be one of the most significant events relating to gay rights. Before 2003, homosexuals were forbidden from being employed in sensitive positions in the Singapore Civil Service. Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong abolished this in a widely publicized statement. In 2006, Liberty League, an organization that promotes gender and sexual health for the individual, family and society, was granted $100,000. Brief History on Homosexuals in the US After W.W.11, thousands of homosexuals were dishonorably fired from the armed services and jobs, due to public display of homosexuality, and were ostracized from families and communities. In early 1953, homosexuality became by a necessary and sufficient reason fire any federal employee from ones job. In the 1970s, in some cities, anti- discrimination for homosexual laws was placed. California had its first openly gay elected official; Harvey Milk. Compared to Singapore, the US has a richer and more open homosexuality culture. In recent years, the US has slowly begun acceptance for homosexuality. Several television programs with elements of homosexuality, Will and Grace, Glee, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Greys Anatomy were aired. As the popularity of these shows increases, the gay community is closer to acceptance and justice by the society. They have gay pride parades and homosexual marriages supported by many areas of US, unlike Singapore. Discrimination against Homosexuals With the laws placed and the better recognition of the homosexual community, the situation in both countries seems favorable. However, homosexuals still face rampant stereotypes from the world and may worsen if deeper understanding of homosexuals is not being promoted and measures are not taken. This topic has been chosen because this is a very important issue in this society, and feels that they should have the same rights as heterosexuals. There have been many incidents of bullying and victimizing homosexuals that led to deaths in the US. Many have gone into depression. These should not be tolerated and something has to be done. Homosexuals do not come out for many reasons, the most common being that they are uncomfortable to declare to any society that is perceived to be homophobic. Negative stereotyping is often a result of homophobia, which refers to an irrational fear, prejudice or discrimination towards homosexuals, and can be name-calling and teasing to serious crimes like assault and murder. Positive stereotypes, or counter-types, also exist but may be no less harmful, as they are still oversimplified views of the group being stereotyped. Some examples of the common stereotypes that gays are described to be expressing too much of his feelings, very vulnerable and sensitive, likes touching himself and other people. They are also stereotyped to love talking about feminine things; the use of cosmetics, very concerned with their lips, skin and hair protections. Why this prejudice and discrimination affect society and is important. Current situation in Singapore Although being homosexual in Singapore is not illegal, performing any homosexual acts in public or privately, is. Section 377 of the Singapore Penal Code records the penalty for indecency between individuals which includes consensual, private, adult homosexual acts; imprisonment is up to 2 years. A gay group was denied permission to hold a forum on the role of homosexuals in society. The local media avoids homosexual issues in fear of getting their licenses suspended. In schools, sexuality courses focus more on heterosexuality-the only mention of homosexuality reminds students that it is illegal. Moreover, homosexual couples in Singapore, cannot rightfully own a home through the public housing scheme, thus many rent as private housing is unaffordable to them. Unsurprisingly, this shows that Singaporean society remains deeply conservative and the governments are still not as open to discussions about gay rights. Attitudes towards homosexuality are also tied up closely with the different religious values in this multi-racial society, like Muslims and Christianity which considers it as a sin. In Singapore, the government uses Confucian readings to create a certain amount of ideological coherence in its version of Asian Values and to give it some academic respectability. From an interview, 68.6% of the surveyors expressed negative attitudes towards homosexuality. Christians and Muslims were found to be least tolerant, older people are less tolerant and more educated people are more tolerant. Therefore, Singapore who is a traditionally conservative society may not be ready for a change. Current situation in United States Recently, there have been many news on homosexual bullying leading to suicides, for example , Tyler Clementi, a 19 year old student from Rutgers University. After his college roommate lived-streamed Tyler having sexual relations with his boyfriend, Tyler threw himself off a bridge. Asher Brown was a 13-year-old was tormented for the way he dressed and being gay. His bullies acted out mock gay sex acts in classes. His parents repeatedly contacted school officials on his bullying. Nothing was ever done. He shot himself in the head. Policy on lesbian, gay, bisexual, in US has evolved over time and varies between different regions. Five states and one district have legalized same-sex marriage. President Obama announced that he will work with Congress and the military to repeal the dont ask, dont tell policy that forbids homosexuals from openly serving in the military. However, there is still much opposition, commenting that homosexuals identities should not be made known. However, there have been many interviews and surveys that show that the US is slowly accepting homosexuals. For example the graph below shows that attitudes towards homosexuality in the US, over the years seem more positive. Source: Why is it important? A continuation of homosexual discrimination is detrimental to their mental health, which may increase suicidal tendencies or other mental afflictions. There are many websites contending that homosexuality is a sin, stating that it is entirely up to choice, easily changeable, and giving excuses to put down homosexuals, using reasons like God hates fags. People tend to associate HIV and AIDS as a gay related disease, thinking that as long as they avoid having sex with homosexuals, they are safe from HIV. This ignorance can cause them to practice unsafe sexual intercourse. Stereotyping them to be rapist, pedophiles are very common and these send a wrong message to the public, causing fear. This increases the fear in homosexuals for being discovered to be gay, causing them to feel immense stress and pressure, doubling the chance of depression and suicidal tendencies. The rejection and misinformation results in homophobia causing them to bully other people , verbal assaults, causing other people psychological stress and pain. Homosexuals may also face family and friends rejections. The result is a vicious cycle of prejudice and discrimination. Where can we start to fix the problem? How such prejudice and discrimination creates inequality to the society. The law, sec 377a, criminalizing sexual acts between homosexuals, encourages Singaporeans discriminate against homosexuals indirectly. Other countries have accepted same sex marriage and have laws to protect them. Homosexuals should also have the same benefits as heterosexuals. In Singapore, some teachers were being forced to quit because of their sexuality like Otto Fong, and Alfian Saat. In national service, they are downgraded to positions like clerks, and disqualified from some sensitive areas. All these are deemed to be discrimination and homosexual inequality. Workable solutions for individuals and institutions From what I have found out, these prejudice and discriminations comes from ignorance and misinformation. Unbiased sex education can help to change mindsets of people about homosexuality at large. Singaporeans are consistently taught that sexual acts between homosexuals are illegal but do not talk about why and how we should learn to accept them in our society. This is an important issue, thus this topic should be in Civic Moral Education where students can learn about it. The society can also educate homosexuality in the media, television shows, or host public homosexuality talks and events. For example, in the US, they have a Wear a Purple Shirt Day in honor of homosexuals that committed suicides due to bullying. We as individuals have to learn not to stereotype and listen to peoples misconceptions, but taking initiative to learn more about homosexuality from places like, internet and books. We are more than capable of making our own decisions, and more than capable of being accepting and inclusive. We should create an environment of diversity and acceptance for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Anti-bullying Policies Essay -- Social Issues, Bullies
According to the work of psychologist David Smith, 57 percent of anti-bullying policies did nothing, 14 percent helped slightly, and 29 percent even made the problem worse (Smith, Schneider, Smith, and Ananiadou 547-560). Every day we see news of ââ¬Å"innocent teasingâ⬠escalating into death threatening violence. Yet each day, year after year schools are using the same old methods, attempting to solve this very big problem with little temporary solutions. It is no secret that the bullying problem is not being handled correctly by American schools. The number one problem with Americaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"anti-bullying programsâ⬠is that schools are helping the wrong person. The programs focus on helping bullies, mediating bullies, changing bullies. Bullies are not the ones who need help, bullies are not the ones getting hurt, victims are the ones who need help. Bullying will never stop, ââ¬Å"itââ¬â¢s inevitable, a natural byproduct of human natureâ⬠(Morgan 1). Even if all bullies were eliminated new bullies would arise because it is all about the imbalance of power. Verbal bullying is not even against the law, in fact it is protected by the first amendment, freedom of speech. In this conundrum yet to be solved victims are the ones killing themselves. Victims are the ones bringing guns into schools and shooting people. Victims need to be taught to stand up for themselves. The only way bullying is going to stop is if we remove its power by teaching victims and leveling the playing field. The idea that American schools often fail to realize is that bullying is almost never just between two kids. There are often a pack of bullies or even more common bystanders that encourage and ââ¬Å"add fuel to the fire.â⬠In one study results, ââ¬Å"showed that bystanders were involved in... ...chers have heavier workloads or have less support by their administrators they are usually less empathetic to victims. Now not only are teachers connected to bullying incidents but so are administrators. If we want to help bullying victims we must inspect every aspect of the problem. With school shootings and constant outbreaks of bullying in the media it is obvious that American schools are not approaching the bullying problem correctly. However there is hope for a brighter future. When going up against bullying we can not just concentrate on one piece of the puzzle. We have to mediate not only the bullies, but the victims, and any other factors contributing to the problem. If American schools reevaluate their programs, shift their focus towards changing old mindsets placed upon us at a young age, and look at the bigger picture, than we truly can be united as one.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sample Statement of Purpose
I introduce myself as a student of the undergraduate program in Computer Science and Engineering at CVR College of Engineering affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (Hyderabad). I use this opportunity to elucidate my career objectives and give in quintessence of my educational background. My Educational Background and academic achievements: Since my school days, I have been interested in Mathematics and physical sciences. My scholastic record has been meritorious right through school and higher secondary education. With my propensity towards Mathematics and physics, I chose Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry as my group for post-secondary education. I was placed in the top 3% of nearly 200,000 enthusiastic students in the entrance examination for Engineering. This performance helped me in getting admission in to CVR College of Engineering, one of the top institutions for engineering in Andhra Pradesh, India. My fascination for engineering was from an early stage though not a conscious one. There have been doers because there have been dreamers, in our dreams we see not what is, but what can be. It is with such dreams and visions that today we stand at the milestone of success. The sweeping changes in the Technological world and Computers have made the role of computer science engineer a really indispensable one. It has been my deepest desire to be a part of this rapidly burgeoning community. My strong penchant towards programming languages like C which was taught in our high school and also the versatility of the Computers and my basic interest in the field of programming motivated me to take Computer Science and Engineering as my major in undergraduate program. My years as an undergraduate student have influenced me the most. Academically I have matured a lot during this period. It was here that I understood the need to put theory into practice and most importantly to innovate in face of immense hurdles. During the course of study, my encounters with Software engineering, Software testing methodologies and Software Project Management have been extremely enlightening. The joy of learning these subjects under excellent professors is unsurpassable. My inclination towards graduate studies gained foot during my second year of under graduation, during which many of the people told me about the opportunities we have by doing masters and the research programs offered by the universities. Why to Pursue M. S.? Excellence in any sphere of life can be achieved through determination, hard work, perseverance and dedication. Yet, lack of in-depth knowledge of the subject leaves the conceptual skills incomplete. The nature of undergraduate courses does not offer scope for individual expression and rapidly advancing technology necessitates mastery of particular area. It is in this contest I would like to pursue a course that not only supplements the knowledge that I possess but also provides a strong foundation to my research oriented study. In my graduate program my goal is to expand my mental horizons, detailed understanding of latest tools and technologies adopted by engineering, with the time. I also want to learn technical, managerial as well as behavioral aspects of the field to work in higher positions. I strongly feel that masterââ¬â¢s program will inculcate a strong quality assurance and testing component in my knowledge, so as to raise the level of excellence in my work. I came to know that an academic experience is must-to-have component for growth in global field of software engineering, as well as to make a mark in professional career. From use of sophisticated tools to advanced theories, MS teaches me all that I need to know to enhance my academic experience and qualification. Why Software Engineering? In my undergraduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Universityââ¬â¢s syllabi content that has given me a comprehensive exposure to the core areas of Computer Science and a strong conceptual understanding of the same. In these three and half years of study, I have strived to maintain an approach of expending independent effort in all my endeavors. Learning by myself and sharing my knowledge with others has been most worthwhile, when comprehending a concept. My interest in Software Engineering arouse when I was in my second year of under graduation. I believe that Software Engineering is the application of disciplined, systematic approach to the operation, development and maintenance of software. The discipline of software engineering that increased my interest towards this field is it covers tools, knowledge and methods to define software requirements and to perform computer programming, software design, user interface design, software maintenance tasks and software testing . As Software engineering encompasses the knowledge from different fields like computer engineering, computer science, mathematics, testing methodologies, quality management, project management etc I came to a conclusion that career in software engineering can be very rewarding as there is demand for software engineers across the industries. Why your University? The selection of the right university by the candidate is as important as the selection of the right candidate by the university. Having to choose a university that is suitable to my ambition is a major decision, one which canââ¬â¢t be taken in haste. To achieve my objectives, I feel that the choice of University is of critical importance. Information from faculty here at the college, my seniors and perusal of the University web-site, I have inferred that your University provides excellent research activities and balanced academic program which is conducive to my study. I feel that I can realize my aspirations that I have nurtured along. As a part of your family of students, I have to imbibe the best of what you offer, extend the breadth of knowledge. In conclusion, I hope that I will be given chance to realize my objectives by granting admission in your esteemed and distinguished University. I am confident that with my academic standards and strong motivation, zeal, positive attitude and with the aid of your graduate program, I will be able to make a significant contribution to the research endeavors at the University. I take this opportunity to request for suitable financial assistance from the department and college.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Advertising AIDA Model
AIDA Model ATTENTION A = PAN-TASTIC OFFER FREE PIZZA INTEREST I = Hot Online 1 =RM 22 = Hot Online 2 = RM 29 = Hot Take-Away 1 = RM 19 = Hot Take-Away 2 = RM 26. 90 = Add RM 3 to upgrade to Supremes Pan Pizza DESIRE D = The image of delicious Pizza ACTION A = PIZZA HUT ONLINE ORDERING- www. pizzahut. com. my- = Halal Logo = Valid until 15 December 2011 ADVERTISER In Wichita, brothers Frank and Dan Carney opened the first Pizza Hut restaurant on June 15, 1958. They had been approached by the owner of a small building who wanted a nice neighbourhood business, and had read the Post's article about pizza.The Carneys borrowed $600 from their mother, located John Bender, an airman from McConnell Air Force Base who had worked as a pizza cook, purchased some secondhand equipment and were ready for business. The first night, they gave away pizza to interest potential customers. Many people ask how Pizza Hut got its name. When the Carneys were setting up that first restaurant, the building has a sign with room for just nine characters. They wanted to use ââ¬Å"pizzaâ⬠in the name, which left room for a word with only three characters. A family member suggested the uilding looked like a hutâ⬠¦. and Pizza Hut was born. 1959 :à Pizza Hut is incorporated and the first franchise unit opens in Topeka, Kansas. 1965 :à ââ¬Å"Putt-Putt to Pizza Hutâ⬠musical jingle is developed for Pizza Hut's first television commercial. 1967 :à A Pizza Hut restaurant was built in five days by franchisees at the Oklahoma State Fair. World's largest pizza (six feet in diameter) is baked and served at the grand opening of the Fort Worth, Texas Pizza Hut. 1968 :à International market entered with the opening of the first Pizza Hut in Surrey, B. C. , Canada.Pizza Hut serves a million people a week at its 310 locations. 1977 :à Super Supreme is introduced. Pizza Hut opens its 3,000th unit in Arlington, Texas. 1980 :à Pan Pizza is introduced throughout the system. 1983 :à Personal Pan Pizza, with a five-minute guarantee, is introduced. Pizza Hut serves one and a half million pounds of pasta annually. Pizza Hut employs 10,000 teenagers from 16 to 19 years of age. 1984 :à BOOK IT! National reading incentive program is launched with 200,00 elementary students enrolled. 1988 :à Hand Tossed Traditional Pizza is introduced.Pizza Hut celebrates its 30th anniversary with a total of more than 6,000 restaurants and delivery units worldwide. 1990 :à Pizza Hut delivers more than 1,349,000 pizzas on Superbowl Sunday, about 7,000 pies per minute. 1995 :à Pizza Hut launches the ââ¬Å"You'll Love The Stuff We're Made Ofâ⬠campaign. Buffalo Wings soar onto the menu. Pizzeria Stuffed Crust Pizza is introduced which immediately sets company sales records. 1998 :à Surrey Place Pizza Hut celebrates its 30th year of business! ADVERTISING AGENCY Pizza Hut Hands Digital, Social Media to MartinE-commerce Business Goes to Huge Yum Brands' Pizza Hut has handed digital marketing and social media to its lead agency, Interpublic Group of Cos. ââ¬Ëà Martin Agency. Sibling agency Huge has been tapped to handle Pizza Hut's e-commerce business. Both moves occurred without a review. Digital marketing was previously handled by Dallas-based indie agency IMC. The move to hand digital marketing and social media to Martin ââ¬Å"was made to help fully integrate our digital and advertising initiatives,â⬠according to a Pizza Hut spokesman.Huge, meanwhile, will be responsible for the pizza chain's online ordering site as well as setting overall e-commerce strategy. IMC's swan song for Pizza Hut were the recently released iPad and Android apps, as well as an updated iPhone app. Pizza Hut in 2009 launched the pizza category's first iPhone app, which has since been downloaded nearly 3 million times. The Pizza Hut spokesman said that Huge will simply ââ¬Å"fine-tuneâ⬠the online ordering platform, rather than revamp it. Pizza Hut in recent years has prioritized online ordering, as have rivals Papa John's and Domino's, making for a heated race to digital dominance.All three chains in the past have said that they hope to do about half of their business online. In April 2010 Pizza Hut had unveiled a simpler online ordering platform ââ¬â customers can now order a pizza in two clicks ââ¬â built by IMC and QuickOrder, Chicago. Papa John's was the first of the three big chains to offer online ordering, though Pizza Hut built industry-first ordering platforms for not only the iPhone but also Facebook, and Domino's made waves with its Pizza Tracker. Pizza Hut chief marketer Kurt Kane last yearà pinned a sales turnaround on $10 pizzas and two-click ordering.Indeed, its 2010 U. S. same-store sales were up about 8%, although that growth was tempered by the chain's first-quarter 2011 earnings: U. S. same-store sales were down 3%. Pizza Hut in 2010 spent $217. 4 million on measured media spending, up 9. 7% from the prior year, according to Kantar. MEDIA The Marketing Communications Mix To ensure that our message manages to reach as much of the target audience as possible we have chosen to use the following communication approach. This approach uses a combination of advertising using two media forms, the internet and television.In accordance with the advertising, sales promotions and public relations will be carried out to hopefully guarantee the success of the campaign. Television The creation of television provided a new opportunity for widespread effective advertising. When viewing advertisements the public assesses what the advert conveys and how it conveys this message. This causes the public to evaluate aspects such as presentation, creative appeal as well as of course the message. Therefore due to impact that this powerful audio-visual tool can have on the audience, it is imperative that much consideration is given to the impression that is portrayed.One major benefit of television advertising is that it has a very high level of penetration. Statistics have shown that in the United Kingdom on average the public watches television for '28 hours per person per week' (Nationmaster, 2009). This therefore provides a lucrative possibility for many corporations. Due to the audio-visual possibilities that television advertising provides it gives the advertisers an opportunity to utilize the creative potential and fully portray the message desired which consequently helps the brand to achieve its aspired goals.For the television advertisement, a brand such as Pizza Hut should produce adverts that are creative and entertaining but also ensures that the core message is clearly communicated. The advertisement must be appealing to keep the attention of the audience to hopefully limit the effect that surrounding noise and distractions may have. There is a tendency of many consumers to directly link the credibility of a brand with the credibility of the medium, and television advertisi ng is perceived as a highly credible source to most audiences.Therefore the credibility of the Pizza Hut campaign has high chances of being enhanced if it associated with TV adverts. The television advertisement for the new campaign needs to be positively engaging on the emotional and psychological grounds. Our basic aim is to implement the pull strategy to create a demand for this new product category via the mass media. The target audience for the pizza hut campaign is the health conscious segment, but health consciousness is reflected in varied shades for different individuals, and this consideration is depicted in the television advertisement.The advertisement shows an ordinary British family consisting of a mother, a father and two teenagers; a son and a daughter. They are discussing what to have for dinner at the dining table. One option that is discussed is pizza, and it shows the four different perspectives of having pizza for dinner. The mother's standpoint is that pizza wo uldn't be suitable as it is unhealthy and lacks proper nutrients for the family, while the daughter's perspective is that she would have motivational conflicts due to the high calorie count and the diet she as been carrying out, the son also may have a similar negative perspective due an extensive work-out schedule that he has been keeping to and doesn't want to ruin and that father may be worried about blood pressure and cholesterol that are common with his age and therefore the consensus is not to order a pizza even though everyone would enjoy the experience. A pizza base appears magically on their table and tops itself up with all the healthy ingredients like vegetables/grilled lean whit meat/low fat cheese etc, which adds to the health quotient of a pizza.The advert now describes the complete new range of healthy Pizzas from Pizza Hut. This advertisement aims to appeal to its audiences through an emotional stance. Understanding a mother's basic instinct to ensure the family keep s healthy, understanding many teenager's insecurities as well as understanding the worries about health for the majority of the aging population. The psychological perspective of this advert would be that people are enjoying a pizza without experiencing cognitive dissonance.The advert would have a strong visual appeal to create the sense that it would be delicious and full of flavour, this would be carried out with visually appealing colours of the topping as well as the surrounding background of the advert. The slogan used for this advert is ââ¬Å"Pizzas Just Got Healthier. â⬠This is a clear, strong slogan and it also communicates the core idea of the whole advertising campaign in lucid, simple language which is easily retained by consumers. The slogan also is able to depict an image of the brand which cares about its customer's health through an product innovation.The sales promotion that is integrated into the campaign will be shown at the end of the advert with a change i n the tonal quality of the speaker, this is aimed at getting the audience to pay attention at the moment when the majority of the information is relayed. Refer to Appendix A for story board. The last but not the least the advert would be following the Association Guideline within ââ¬Å"C4'S Golden Guidelinesâ⬠; the television advertisement will be aired throughout a entertainment/comedy section, throughout the time period of 6pm to 8 pm.This time period would be a high reach period as it after school and work when more members of the family are at home. It would be most viable to relate the advert to the shared territory and common targeting aspect of the Association Guidelines. Internet Advertising The internet is described by many as a one of the most important inventions of the century. It has been a part of a major revolution in technological development worldwide. With the advent of web based advertising in 1994, it has become an extremely convenient method for many brand s to reach to the greater masses at a relatively lower cost in comparison to traditional media.The current generation is highly dependent on the internet, and therefore advertising online in the form of banner ads, button ads, pop ups are the smart and viable options for many reputed brands. Potter (1994) ââ¬Ëestimates that web based marketing results in ten times the units sold at one tenth of the advertising budget, and that's one of the most important reasons to opt for an online advert. ââ¬Ë An added bonus also is that consumers have the option of watching the advert as many times as they wish and so are able to obtain all the information that the advert provides.The new Pizza Hut campaign focuses mainly on giving healthier alternatives when visiting Pizza Hut, mainly in the forms ââ¬ËHealthy Pizzas'. This should be highlighted clearly to the audience as this should create an interest that may cause possible customers to acquire more information about the campaign. Anot her rationale for using web based advertising is the higher chance of an instantaneous purchase, as long as there is a option of purchasing the product or service. This impulse purchase effect will occur especially with food producers such as Pizza Hut, as it satisfies a physiological need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.To hopefully ensure a purchase it would be advisable for Pizza Hut to have an option of ââ¬Å"Order Nowâ⬠and a link to the website. Public Relations Harris (1998) indicates the ââ¬Ëpurpose of marketing PR is to gain awareness, stimulate sales, facilitate communication, and build relationships between consumers and companies and brands. ââ¬Ë This opportunity is an interesting prospect for Pizza Hut and alongside advertising may enable the campaign to reach more of the target audience.Pizza Hut can use its public relations agency to promote its products, services as well as its corporate identity. This is especially useful as the campaign is aiming for an image change, public relations will help communicate this change to many different groups of stakeholders. Corporate public relations is responsible for establishing understanding and trust with individuals who have a potential or actual interest in the organisation, (Kitchen, 1997). According to Gruning (1992), ââ¬Ëcorporate PR is the management of communication between an organisation and its publics. These may include health organisations, local businesses, local education authorities and potential customers along with many more groups. Pizza Hut can use and associate ââ¬Ëthe high credibility attached to this form of communication. ââ¬Ë (Fill et al, 2005) to create credibility and maintain the credibility of the brand. In order for Pizza Hut to be effective when carrying out its public relations, it will introduce newsletters informing the previously mentioned groups of what they are trying to do in its new health campaign.Pizza Hut could also evaluate the effectiveness of its public relations by offering readers the chance to comment on the company and any articles through the feedback form at the back of the newsletter. Pizza Hut has decided to put together an article with a major newspaper publisher about obesity levels and the new Pizza Hut healthy campaign. Public relations are often important at more of a corporate level and without this option Pizza Hut would struggle to be seen as a major food outlet. This can be seen as a form of publicity.Pizza Hut should also conduct a certain amount of public relations to its internal stakeholders such as staff and external stakeholders. Internally the employee magazine should be used and these cues should ââ¬Ëdevelop images and perceptions' (Fill, 2005) in the mind of the stakeholders, internally as well as externally. Therefore the ability for public relations to reach a medium size audience and also portray a credible image indicates that Pizza Hut should be using PR as one of its communication to ols.It must not be ignored however that public relations is more effective when integrated with other communication tools. By combining such tools as advertising with public relations it is possible to gain full national coverage something that would not necessarily be possible with other communication tools. Sales Promotions The institute of sales promotion (2004) defines sales promotion as a ââ¬Ëplanned and implemented activity that both enhances product or service appeal and changes customer behaviour positively in return for an additional benefit for purchase or participation'. Yeshin, 2006) According to Yeshin (2006) sales promotion can function on three levels by communicating, catching the customer's attention at the point of purchase'(Yeshin, 2006) as well as providing extra information that may influence the purchase decision. Sales promotions can also provide an incentive by offering ââ¬Ësome form of direct inducement, either immediate or delayed, which changed the p erceptual base of the purchasing decision. ââ¬Ë (Yeshin, 2006) Sales promotions can also advance the purchasing decision and ââ¬Ëinvite the consumer to engage in an immediate transaction. (Yeshin, 2006) Therefore there is a strong rationale for using sales promotions in the new Pizza Hut campaign. The ability to create a product trial and sampling is necessary aspect for the success of the campaign. Once attracting customers to try the new healthier pizza range, this hopefully will encourage repeat purchases and create a loyalty to the brand. Through this loyalty there will hopefully be an increase in frequency of purchase as well as different usage. The sales promotions that Pizza Hut are planning on integrating into the campaign are such as a grouping with ââ¬ËInnocent Smoothies. Innocent Smoothies is a good association with this campaign as it is a well known smoothie brand which is related heavily with being healthy and prides itself on only using ââ¬Ë100% natural, h ealthy renewable ingredients. ââ¬Ë (Innocent Drinks, 2009) have also already had success with the health conscious target audience already and so will create added value in the mind of this audience. The promotion that Pizza Hut is running is a ââ¬ËMeal Deal' in which a choice of healthy pizzas accompanied with either an innocent smoothie or a side salad. This ââ¬ËMeal Deal' will be set at ? . 99. Through these promotions there will hopefully be an increase in market share due to brand switching. A pull strategy will occur in which consumer decides to choose Pizza Hut over competing brands. Unlike some other tools of marketing communication, which work over a longer term, sales promotion produces rapid results and return on investment is often substantial. However it will be used along side with other marketing communication tools for this campaign so as to bring about an integrated marketing communication approach. SUPPLIERS / VENDOR
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Motion to Determine Property of the Estate Essays
Motion to Determine Property of the Estate Essays Motion to Determine Property of the Estate Paper Motion to Determine Property of the Estate Paper Morgan and/or Edwards Company, LLC (Edwards Children) that the Probate court awarded her Copyrights and Royalties under a executed but not approved document entitled Settlement Agreement dated July 30, 1997 as well as a co-Publishing agreement which Arose out of this agreement. See both agreements attached hereto as Composite Exhibit C. 7. In October 2011, in the MARCI v Jess S. Morgan litigation, Richard Mandela of Jess S. Morgan Co testifies that the document dated July 30, 1997 was Probate Court Approved see Declaration of Richard Mandela attached hereto as Exhibit D. Counsel for Jess S. Morgan and BECK, LLC have alleged that the July 9, 1997 Stipulated Agreement is not on the Probate Court Record (See Doc 103 Page 2 paragraph 6 Attached hereto as Exhibit F On February 15, 2012 Counsel for Jess S. Morgan says Earlier you heard Mr Jennies say that theres a dispute over which of the agreements in the probate court and ask Judge, Judge, which one did you mean? when in fact all is was, was a mediated settlement agreement thats pretty broad, and then that mediated settlement was refined down, and again this was many years and years ago. Mrs Edwards was presented by counsel, and thats what the dispute is ultimately going to be about See Transcript Page 28 Line 14-25 (Exhibit F) 4 The alleged Co-publishing Agreement contains a fake Probate Court Stamp in the Top Right Corner that Reads Received September 5, 1997 The Westport Probate Court has confirmed that this is NOT the official Seal of the Westport Probate Court and this alleged agreement is Blank and completely unexpected in the Sealed File. Page 2 of 12 8. On or about November 27, 2012 after over a year of extensive investigation and due diligence by Consultant Eric Moore, the Westport Probate Court determined that Eries theory of the Case was correct and Ms. Edwards was only bound by the Probate Corresponded Stipulated Agreement dated July 9, 1997. 9. The Copyrights and Royalties Including Administration Rights subject to Adversary 641 are already Property of the Estate because the debtor has possession of the recovered title, as these issues have already been adjudicated, and therefore the litigation is moot. 0. Collateral Estoppels principles are applicable to a subsequent proceeding only if: 1) the identical issues were presented in a prior proceeding; 2) there was a full ND fair opportunity to litigate the issues in the prior proceeding; 3) the issues in the prior litigation were a critical and necessary part of the prior determination; 4) the parties in the two proceedings were identical; and 5) the issues were actually litigated in the prior proceeding. Porter v. Saddlebags Resorts, Inc. , 679 So. Ad 1212, 1214815 (Flaw. Didst. Ct. App. 996) (citing Depot of Health and Rehab. Serves. V. B. J. M. , Copyright and Royalties rights have already been adjudicated by a Court, and so the issue surrounding the ownership of the property to Adversary 641 is moot. 11. The courts have emphasized that Collateral Estoppels precludes re-litigation of issues actually litigated in a prior proceeding. B. J. M. , 656 So. Ad at 910 As with res Judicial, collateral Estoppels is an affirmative defense, and the party asserting it bears the burden to show that such an issue was formerly determined with sufficient certainty. Freewheeling v. MAGIC Financial Corp , 437 So. Ad 191, 193 (Flaw. Didst. Ct. App. 1983). It would be unjust to re-litigate the prior Courts findings as to the Copyright and Royalties rights. 5 The Debtor needs to file the Recovered title dated July 9, 1997 with the Copyright Office and Royalty payers so that the Future Royalties will be paid to her directly, absent a Certified Probate Court Approved Copy of the Alleged Shipbuilding Agreement the Payers will not Pay Jess S. Morgan or any other entity except the debtor who is the Real Owner. Page 3 of 12 12. Creditor, Eric Moore fulfilled his obligations under the Consulting Agreement by determining and locating copyrights and other assets due to the debtor. This recovered Title procured by Moore and Referenced by Debtors bankruptcy Counsel David Jennies in open court on February 15, 2012 has enhanced the Estate by at least $25,000,000. Per independent appraisal, the total value of the debtors Copyrights is now roughly Moore reasonably relied upon the promise of the debtor made under the Consulting Agreement, and in return fulfilled his own obligations under the agreement. Because of that reliance Moore has been injured or damaged. Under the legal doctrine of promissory estoppels, Moore is entitled to payment under the Consulting Agreement. This determination and recovered title procured by Moore is performance of the agreement. 13. ADMISSION: Debtor Bambini Hearer-Edwards has admitted to this court, ownership of name Copyrights at issue in Paragraph 1 of Debtors Chapter 11 Case Management Summary, in Turnover Motions, in her Disclosure Statement, as well as in Court. See debtors adversary complaint filed on July 29, 2012. In fact, the Bernard Edwards State and Bernard Edwards Estate Federal Taxes clearly reflect that the Governing Agreement is dated July 9, 1997. The State and Federal Taxes were filed and paid in June 1999 by Jess S. Morgan according to this agreement, taxes were paid on the Administration Rights, Publisher Share, Writers Share, Producer Royalties and Artist Royalties See attached, therefore Ms. Edwards OWNS those rights. Exhibit E. 6 The $37,000,000 dollar valuation includes the Recovered Copyrights and her Historical Royalties which Appraised at roughly $12,000,000 dollars, this amount does not include any unpaid or underpaid royalties. Debtors pre-petition Entertainment Counsel Signed an Affidavit in support of Mr Moors performance of the Consulting Agreement 8 The Recovered Title procured by Moore is used in Adversary 641 Page 4 of 12 15. PROBATE COUNSEL OPINION: BY the Debtors own admission her probate Counsel, Boone Weinstein have confirmed that the July 9, 1997 Stipulated Agreement was 10 proved by the Westport Probate Court on September 4, 1997. See Adversary Complaint 247, Document 1, Paragraph 29. 16. The adverse Possessor(s) in this Case are Jess S. Morgan and/or Bernard Edwards Company, LLC and to some degree 1 1 Warner Chapel, as neither party has provided a Certified Probate Court Copy of the Document dated July 30, 1997 or the Co- publishing Agreement dated August 21, 1997 or July 21, 1997 with court orders attached. These Documents were not approved by the Westport Probate Court and the Co-pub doesnt even appear in the Probate Card Catalog of that Court, in fact the Corner, Therefore clear title could not and did not pass to Jess S. Morgan, Wallace Frisson, Bernard Edwards Company, LLC or earners Chapel under the Co- publishing Agreement or the Document Entitled Settlement Agreement Dated July 30, 1997 from the Estate of Bernard Edwards. See attached Probate Card Catalog and Letter from the Westport Probate Court attached hereto as Exhibit F. DISCUSSION 17. Bankruptcy Code 5541 (a) provides that when a debtor files a petition, an estate is created consisting of all legal or equitable interests of the debtor in property as of the commencement of the case. 11 U. S. C. 5541 (all) (emphasis added). Congress intended said section 9 Boone Weinstein acknowledge in writing on December 10, 2012 that they Received Documents and a Summary All Prepared by Eric Moore 10 The Probate Court Confirmed to me in writing on November 27, 2012 that the alleged Co-publishing Agreement and July 30, 1997 document were not Probate Court Approved and had No corresponding Court Orders attached. 11 Warner Chapel is the actual Publishing Administrator but they have no agreement with the debtor and the 10% fee has never appeared on the debtors royalties Statements, for the last 15 ears she was mislead and informed that Jess S. Morgan or BECK, LLC were her administrator and therefore charged her a 5% fee (See Exhibit D Paragraph 4) 12 Warner Chapel plead that the Debtor was bound by the agreement dated July 30, 1997 that arrived to the Probate Court on August 28, 1997, See Doc 98 Page 3 Paragraph 7, this alleged Settlement Agreement Was not approved by the Westport Probate Court and the Co-publishing Agreement that Arose out of it contains a Fake Probate Court Stamp Page 5 of 12 to be construed as broadly as possible to encompass all types and kinds of property. Matter of Hundreds, 85 B. R. 99, 1003 (Banks. S. D. Iowa 1988). As such, all legal or equitable interests of Debtor Hearer-Edwards needs to be ascertained by this Court for the purpose of distribution and/or the creation of the debtors plan. 18. The alleged Settlement Agreement dated July 30, 1997 was not approved by the Probate Court and is therefore a false document. The alleged Co-publishing Agreement arose out of that Unapproved July 30, 1997 Settlement Agreement and is, therefore also false. It is well settled that one cannot rely upon a document that has sprung forth from a false document. This is considered fruit of the poisonous tree. Although that legal doctrine is typically relied upon in criminal matters, the concept has also tree) of the evidence or evidence itself is tainted, then anything gained (the fruit) from it, is tainted as well. The Co-publishing Agreement cannot be valid because it sprung forth from a Settlement Agreement that was never approved by the Court. Fruit of the poisonous tree. Further, presenting the July 30, 1997 Settlement Agreement as a court approved document is fraud. A contract procured by fraud is unenforceable by the wrongdoer. The issue of whether a contract procured by fraud s void as to the wrongdoer is a matter of law. The standard of review of decisions of law is De novo. See Execute Bus. Sys. V. New OZ Paper Co. , 752 So. Ad 582 (Flaw. 2000). 19. Florists well-established public policy is not to permit nor tolerate a person to benefit from his own wrongful acts. Florida Federal Courts have enunciated the policy in Showed v. Patterson, 49 So. Ad 848, 849 (Flaw. 1951) holding that no one shall be permitted to profit by his own fraud, or take advantage of his own wrong, or found any claim upon his own inequity, or profit by his own crime. This basic and monumental principle has been applied to contracts. In Florida, [a] contract procured through fraud is never binding upon an innocent party thereto. As to him, such contract is avoidable; as to the wrongdoer, it is void. (emphasis added) Florida East coast Railway co. V. Thompson, 111 so. 525, 527 (Flaw. 1927); Winter park Telephone Co. V. Strong, 179 So. 289 (Flaw. Page 6 of 12 1937); Deforested v. Public super Markets, Inc. , 648 so. Ad 1256 (Flaw. 4th DC 1995); Buchanan v. Clinton, 293 so. Ad 120 (Flaw. 1st DC 1974). 20. When a contract is void as to a party, the contract is unenforceable by that party, and hat party cannot recover under the contract at law or in equity. Shall v. Race, 135 So. Ad 252, 257 (Flaw. Ad DC 1961). Florists public policy prohibits a person who procures a contract by fraud to benefit from his fraudulent acts at the expense of the innocent party. In furtherance of this policy, the First District Court of Appeal stated: [C]routs have an affirmative duty to avoid allowing a party who violates public policy to receive any substantial benefits from his or her wrongdoing. Thus, as a general rule, if the enforcement of a contract is contrary to the public policy of the forum Tate, the contract need not be enforced. This rule is based on the rationale that there can exist no legal remedy for that which is itself illegal. Title Trust Co. Of Florida v. Parker, 468 So. Ad 520, 521 (Flaw. 1st DC 1985) (citations omitted). (emphasis added) Based upon these clear and concise precedents, as well as public policy, the Settlement Agreement dated July 30, 1997 and the Co-publishing Agreement dated August 21, 1997 are void and unenforceable as a matter of law. 21. And is the result of a confidential and court-approved settlement agreement (Settlement Agreement) dated July 30, 1997 Paragraph 7 of Mandelas Declaration), is a violation of Flaw. Stats. S 92. 525 Verification of documents; perjury by false written declaration. S 92. 525(2) states: (2) A written declaration means the following statement: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing [document] and that the facts stated in it are true, followed by the signature of the person making the declaration, except when a verificat ion on information or belief is permitted by law, in which case the words to the best of my knowledge and belief may be added. The written declaration shall be printed or hyped at the end of or immediately below the document being verified and above the signature of the person making the declaration. It has been proven by a preponderance of the evidence that Richard Mandelas Declaration is untrue because this alleged court-approved document does not appear anywhere in the Courts log. Further, pursuant to Flaw. Stats. S 92. 525(3): A person who knowingly makes a false declaration under Page 7 of 12 subsection (2) is guilty of the crime of perjury by false written declaration, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 75. 082, s. 775. 083, or s. 75. 084. So there may be other issues at play here as well, criminal issues, regarding presenting false, so-called court approved documents when they have never been court- approved. Jimmy D. Parrish, Sees. , attorney for Jess S. Morgan, Wallace Frisson and Bernard Edwards Company,LLC. , has stated in open court on February 15, 2013 in the Bankruptcy C ourt, Tampa Division, Case Number 12-BC-15725-CRM, that the full blown settlement agreement outlines that Ms. Edwards is entitled to 37-1/2 percent of an income stream in an interest in the composition -copyright from the compositions. See Hearing Transcript on page 26, lines 13-16, attached hereto as Exhibit F.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Swimmer Essay Example
The Swimmer Essay Example The Swimmer Paper The Swimmer Paper Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: The Swimmer Very often people have dreams and desires concerning their lives. Most people envision how they will have a good job and raise a family. Some people manage to do this, and they end up living their fantasy. Others are not as fortunate, and they have to contend with whatever comes their way. As people go through the motions of life, they are carried away with all that is happening and they begin losing focus on the most valuable things to them. They neglect their partners, parents, or children, but they only realize the consequences of what they have done when it is too late for them to make any amends. Such is the story of Ned Merrill, in John Cheeverââ¬â¢s story ââ¬Å"The Swimmerâ⬠. Merrill has a wonderful life in the beginning of his marriage. However, as time passes, he encounters problems but he chooses to ignore them, realizing too late that he has no family left since his wife and daughters have abandoned him. Merrill does not realize the changing circumstances in his l ife as he is busy living the ideal life, and he chooses to downplay and ignore problems whenever he encounters them. Merrill is a typical American man living in the suburbs. He enjoys the company of his neighbors and friends, who often invite him to their parties. He enjoys mingling with people, who seem to have adopted a drinking culture. In the beginning, he drinks in almost every home he visits. However, things begin to change for him as he realizes that he no longer has the youthfulness and energy that he used to enjoy. Neighbors no longer welcome him to their homes, and there is much discussion among different people concerning his financial problems. Merrill does not understand what his neighbors are saying about him. He chooses to ignore the negative signs coming to him, including the storm that he encounters. This illustrates Merrillââ¬â¢s personality in refusing to deal with the problems as they happen. He refuses to see things as they are, and he instead chooses to live in his fantasy world, where he will not encounter any problems Cheever uses symbolism in the story to explain the passage of time in Merrillââ¬â¢s life, and the changing situation in his personal and family life. The story begins in the midsummer. People are enjoying going to parties, drinking and having fun. This represents the happy moments in Merrillââ¬â¢s life and marriage. There are seemingly no problems in the summer, and this shows the lack of problems in Merrillââ¬â¢s life. The mention of his youthful stature in the beginning is symbolic. Just like youth does not last long, neither does his happy married life, for it ends soon enough for him. The autumn begins right in the middle of summer, and Merrill cannot understand this. This shows the beginning of the fall in Merrillââ¬â¢s marriage. The new fall season is not a pleasant one for Merrill. It is an illustration of the problems that begin to appear in his life. However, just as he ignores the changing seasons, he ignores the changing situation in his life. Merrill begins fe eling old, and he loses his energy. This symbolizes the changed nature of his life and especially his marriage, both of which have become lackluster and lifeless Merrill chooses to ignore his problems rather than deal with them. This is symbolized in the presence of the storm in mid summer. After the storm passes, Merrill chooses to continue swimming in his neighborââ¬â¢s swimming pool. He does not seem to realize any consequences of the storm. This symbolizes his lack of commitment towards dealing with the problems he is facing in his life. He has financial and marital problems, but he chooses to ignore them. He is concerned about his forgetful nature, wondering if his memory was failing or he had ââ¬Å"disciplined it in the repression of unpleasant facts that he had damaged his sense of truthâ⬠. However, despite this thought, he does not explore it further, rather choosing to avoid facing the unpleasant truths that had happened to him. He seems oblivious of his life situations, and he cannot understand the misfortunes that the Hallorans are talking about. ââ¬Å"My misfortunes?â⬠¦I donââ¬â¢t know what you mean.â⬠Merrillââ¬â¢s story is not an exception in his county. The author begins by showing how the people live in affluence. They can afford to have swimming pools in their homes, tennis courts, hold parties, and some even have horses on their property. Merrill was a wealthy man, belonging to the upper class in the society. He chose whoever he would socialize with, and he and his wife did not attend all the parties or dinners that they were invited to, unless the person inviting them was of the same social class. Because of this, they had declined to honor the endless invitations by the Biswangers because the Biswangers invited every person to their parties irrespective of their profession. His fortunes change, and Grace Biswanger describes how he ââ¬Å"went for broke overnight-nothing but income.â⬠As he swims in different pools, he begins noticing several changes that are telltale signs of his neighborââ¬â¢s financial situation. Merrill notices that the riding ring in one of t he neighborââ¬â¢s house was ââ¬Å"overgrown with grass and all the jumps dismantledâ⬠and there were no horses. In one house, the swimming pool was drained. The Welcherââ¬â¢s home, much like Merrillââ¬â¢s home, is abandoned, and there is a sale post on it. Merrill is a man living in a fantasy and chasing a dream. He does not seem to realize what has happened to his life. He does not remember any changes that occur in his life. He has a happy beginning and he initially enjoys his life, but this does not last for long. He makes decisions that do not favor him, but which end up messing his marriage and his family. He swims through life, failing to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Tips to Write Your Stanford Roommate Essay
3 Tips to Write Your Stanford Roommate Essay SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you preparing your college application for Stanford University? If so, youââ¬â¢ve probably heard about theStanford roommate essay, which you must complete as part of your application.The Stanford roommate essay is a unique essay that asks every applicant to write a letter to their future roommate. In this article, weââ¬â¢ll talk about what the Stanford roommate essay is, show several Stanford roommate essay examples, and offer tips for making your response stand out from the thousands of other Stanford applicants. What Is the Stanford Roommate Essay? The Stanford roommate essay is one of the four essays you must write as part of your Stanford University college application. Letââ¬â¢s take a look at the actual text for this essay question: ââ¬Å"Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate- and us- know you better.â⬠The Stanford letter to roommate prompt has a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 250 words. Other than that, there are no specific guidelines for how you should complete the question. What Is the Stanford Roommate Essay Question Asking (And Why)? Since Stanford doesnââ¬â¢t give any specific examples of what theyââ¬â¢re looking for in responses to the Stanford roommate essay prompt, you might be wondering what you should write about for the question and why theyââ¬â¢re asking in it the first place. The Stanford roommate essay is definitely unique - and you should take that as license to write about topics you otherwise wouldnââ¬â¢t in your college application. The admissions committee includes this prompt to get an idea of what youââ¬â¢re like with your peers, as well as how youââ¬â¢ll fit in with Stanfordââ¬â¢s student body. This prompt is an opportunity to show a different side of you than the rest of your application. The question isnââ¬â¢t concerned with your plentiful extracurricular achievements or spotless academic record; rather, itââ¬â¢s asking about what you do after youââ¬â¢re finished studying or practicing. What do you like to do when youââ¬â¢re just relaxing? How you spend your free time? How do you interact with your peers? What are the quirks that make you, you? Asking this question gives the admissions committee a better picture of the whole you, rather than just the student who will be attending class. This essay question is a great opportunity to talk about unique aspects of your personality and interests that werenââ¬â¢t showcased on the rest of your application. If you have a special talent for, say, racking up quadra-kills in League of Legends, this essay is the time to share that. If you've always wanted to write about your love for video games, your Stanford roommate essay is the time and place to do so. Stanford Roommate Essay Examples, Analyzed Stanford roommate essays look very different than other types of college application essays. Itââ¬â¢s not often that you read about a studentââ¬â¢s aptitude for a frog impression or their addition to Bubble Trouble in a college essay. Letââ¬â¢s take a look at two different Stanford roommate essay examples (both of which resulted in admission to Stanford) and see what made them stand out. Stanford Roommate Essay Example #1 Dear Future Roommate, First things first: my Starburst is our Starburst. Feel free to grab some (but don't touch the lemon) off my desk whenever. I hope this works the other way around too. I have my own quirks as do most people. For starters, I can do a hyper-realistic frog impression. (Don't worry, I'll chase out any frogs that happen to hop inside.) Also, I prefer socks and sandals over sneakers because I like having a breeze around my toes. You'll often find me reading old issues of Model Airplane News or munching on weirdly delicious food combos such as strawberries and black pepper. I hum minor-key Bach fugues while studying but sing Disney songs in the shower. I can probably make you groan with terrible interdisciplinary science jokes. For example, what happens when a mosquito bites a mountain climber? Nothing; vectors cannot cross scalars. Beethoven is my jam and l often subconsciously start humming along to his symphonies. I may even start trumpeting "BAAA DAA DAA DUMMMM" when the brass comes in. If I start humming or trumpeting while you're studying for your o-chem final, tell me and I'll stop. If you don't mind biking out on 3AM donut runs (lemon cream filled is my favorite, by the way), we'll get along just fine. Here's to four years of groaning over p-sets and doing everything we can to keep fun alive, even if it appears to be on life support during finals week. This Stanford roommate essay example comes to us by way of Reddit user u/ChunkySpaghettiSauceChunkySpaghettiSauce wrote this essay as part of his 2016 Stanford application. He was accepted to Stanford. Letââ¬â¢s take a look at what makes this essay great. First of all, the writer includes very specific details that make him easily identifiable and relatable. After reading this essay, you get a great idea of what the student would be like as a roommate. You can picture him having an open bowl of Starburst on his desk and storing his bike at the foot of his bed. Above all, your Stanford roommate essay should paint a full picture of you as a person. This essay does an excellent job of describing the writer holistically; in addition to talking about his academic interests, it shows what heââ¬â¢s like after the problem sets are completed and the homework is turned in. The juxtaposition of the phrase ââ¬Å"four years of groaning over p-setsâ⬠with ââ¬Å"everything we can to keep fun aliveâ⬠shows that the student will work hard, but also take part in the rest of Stanfordââ¬â¢s campus life, too. The writer peppers in specific examples, such as his favorite flavor of donut, which add believability and personality to the essay. By the time youââ¬â¢re finished reading it, you get the feeling that this essay couldnââ¬â¢t have been written by anyone else but itââ¬â¢s original author. Want to get into Stanford or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Stanford Roommate Essay #2 TO MY FUTURE ROOMMATE: IF YOU HAVE EVER- l. Kidnapped your best friend at 3:00 a.m. with a bunch of buddies and taken him/her for an emergency milkshake run? 2. Made snow angels in the nude on the school ski trip when itââ¬â¢s 0 degrees outside? 3. Told tourists that if they ââ¬Å"pee in the ocean,â⬠theyââ¬â¢ll attract great white sharks? 4. Re-enacted Monty Python and the Holy Grail in its entirety before your history class? 5. Taken apart your broken MP3 because you are sure that you can fix it? 6. In the middle of the summer, dressed up in all of your ski clothes, gone to the nearest 7-Eleven to buy ice blocks and joined your friends to slide down the nearest grassy hill, all the while complaining how cold it is? OR l. Memorized the first half of Whitmanââ¬â¢s Song of Myself, because there was nothing better to do? 2. Spent three days arguing with your friends about the socio-political ramifications of the word ââ¬Å"Chick?â⬠3. Stayed up until 5:00 a.m. because the conclusion of your English paper just wasnââ¬â¢t right? 4. Received a parking ticket because you had to respond to a piece of racist graffiti in a public bathroom? 5. Spent the entire day at a cafe re-reading a book by your favorite author? 6. When you were a second grader, explained to a classmateââ¬â¢s mother why you thought screaming at her kid was inappropriate while she threatened to spank you for being so insolent- THEN WEââ¬â¢RE GOING TO GET ALONG JUST FINE! This Stanford roommate essay example comes to us by way of a Huffington Post blog. You can tell right away that this essay isnââ¬â¢t your normal college application essay. The writer is playing around with structure, tone, and voice. The Stanford roommate essay is a great place to break from traditional essay rules. You donââ¬â¢t need five fleshed out paragraphs here. You can write in a way that feels authentic to you as an applicant. Remember, this essay is written to your roommate, not to your parents or your teachers. You talk differently to people your own age than you do to people of different ages. Your writing should reflect that. Another thing that this essay achieves is specificity. Each of the incidents that the writer describes are vivid and real. Instead of saying that he or she ââ¬Å"works hard on an English paper,â⬠the author describes staying up until 5:00 a.m. to correct the assignment. Instead of saying that he or she loves spending time with friends, the essay describes a specific incident that perfectly illustrates that point. Being specific adds authenticity to your work and fleshes you out as a person. Finally, the author does a masterful job of peppering in information about his or her habits as a student in a fun and playful way. For instance, the anecdote about taking apart the MP3 player indicates curiosity, a trait highly prized by the Stanford admissions committee. Similarly, the anecdote about staying up late to finish an English paper shows that the student works very hard and cares about grades and the quality of submitted assignments. Potential Topics for Your Stanford Roommate Essay We know what your Stanford letter to roommate essay shouldnââ¬â¢t be: a long-winded, formal recollection of your greatest achievements as a high school student.But what should you write about?Letââ¬â¢s take a look at potential topics for your Stanford roommate essay. #1: Your Unique Quirks Your Stanford roommate essay is a great time to show off your unique quirks. Do you do 30 pull-ups before going to bed each night? Meditate each morning? Always slightly undercook your cookies? Whatever the quirk, the Stanford roommate essay is a great place to share it. Bonus points if itââ¬â¢s funny! Donââ¬â¢t just think about the quirk itself, but the motivation behind it: do you do 30 pull-ups because youââ¬â¢re looking to increase your strength to try out for college intramural sports? Do you undercook your cookies because your grandma always did it that way? Adding that extra spin to the description helps to round you out and gives an extra opportunity to share about your interests and motivations. #2: Your Relationship With Your Peers The admissions committee wants to get a sense of how youââ¬â¢ll fit in on Stanfordââ¬â¢s campus. Not just in the academic classes, but in the overall community as well. The Stanford roommate essay is a great place to share about your relationships with people your age. You can talk about how you interact with your classmates. Maybe you formed a relationship with another student who you always stayed late after band to practice with. Or maybe you formed a homework club with other students who also sucked at Latin. You can also talk about how you interact with your friends. You can share funny stories about ordering too much food while going out to eat or how you guys always get front row seats for the latest Marvel movie. Remember, the examples you pick should show that youââ¬â¢re a well-rounded and fun person. If the rest of your application talks all about your academic achievements, talk about something different in your Stanford roommate essay. #3: Your Favorite Things to Do Just for You The rest of your Stanford application will indicate your academic and extracurricular achievements. This essay is a great place to show what you do for you. Maybe you spend every Friday night building out a new board game or write fanfiction on Tumblr. Maybe youââ¬â¢re teaching yourself Photoshop or like watching YouTube videos about photographers. Maybe you read lots of fitness blogs and are chasing a new marathon PR, even if you donââ¬â¢t run track on your schoolââ¬â¢s team. Maybe you just watch a lot of Netflix. Whatever you like to do for fun, the Stanford roommate essay is a great place to share it. Talk about how you spend your down time and what you like to do to relax. Tips for Writing Your Stanford Roommate Essay While your Stanford letter to roommate essay can and should look different than the responses of your peers, there are certain tips you can keep in mind when completing the assignment to ensure that you produce the highest quality essay possible. #1: Be Specific Your Stanford roommate essay should paint a very specific and vivid portrait of who you are as a person. The point of a college essay is for the admissions committee to have the chance to get to know you beyond your test scores, grades, and honors. Your Stanford roommate essay is your opportunity to make yourself come alive for the essay readers and to present yourself as a fully fleshed out person. Donââ¬â¢t try to emulate what you think the committee wants to hear or try to act like someone youââ¬â¢re not. Stick to telling real stories about the person you really are, not who you think Stanford wants you to be. The more details you can add, the more real youââ¬â¢ll seem. #2: Be Real Donââ¬â¢t worry about sounding impressive in your Stanford roommate essay. The admissions committee isnââ¬â¢t expecting every student to spend their time Googling strategies for world peace or outlining their best-selling novel, unless thatââ¬â¢s what youââ¬â¢re actually doing. Donââ¬â¢t try to make yourself seem more important than you actually are (unless, of course, you are spending hours outlining your best-selling novel). If you try to make things up to sound better, youââ¬â¢ll come across as phony and insincere. The admissions committee would much rather read about the real you - the one who spent 20 hours capturing every nearby creature in Pokemon Go - than a made-up person who you think the admissions committee wants to see. #3: Proofread It should almost go without saying, but you want to make sure your Stanford roommate essay is the strongest example of your work possible. Before you turn in your Stanford application, make sure to edit and proofread your essays. Your work should be free of spelling and grammar errors. Make sure to run your essays through a spelling and grammar check before you submit. Itââ¬â¢s a good idea to have someone else read your Stanford roommate essay, too. You can seek a second opinion on your work from a parent, teacher, or friend. Ask them whether your work represents you as a student and person. Have them check and make sure you havenââ¬â¢t missed any small writing errors. Having a second opinion will help your work be the best it possibly can be. Remember, even though your Stanford roommate essay should be fun, it still needs to be well-written. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? Wondering what a good SAT score is?Check out our post on how to set your goal scorebased on the schools you want to get into. Wondering what you should do to make your application stand out even more?Check out thisguide to four amazing extracurricular activitiesand learn why they're so important to colleges. Trying to decide between taking community college classes and AP classes? Wondering which one looks better on college applications? Readour guide for a complete overview of both. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Images of Asian-Americans Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Images of Asian-Americans - Article Example A significant amount of evidence attests to the occurrence of a major problem in relation to the depiction of Asian Americans in the media. A major theory is that a ââ¬Å"bamboo ceilingâ⬠exists wherein Asian Americans are limited in terms of their depictions in the media (Newamericanmedia, 2014). Tung (2006) similarly indicated that Asians were misrepresented in the media. In order to overcome the bamboo ceiling individuals, researchers, and the general public must increasingly seek novel ways to overcome such depictions. Other researchers have focused on the various ways that this ethnic group actually benefits from pervading racial attitudes in the United States. One theorist considered that the course of United States media has presented an attitude that can be termed anti-blackness. This attitude is such that ââ¬Å"whiteâ⬠characters in media, including Asian-Americans, have benefitted while ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠characters (this definition includes Latinos for the dis cussion) have consistently been oppressed (Race Files, 2014). Still, while Asian-Americans may not face the same levels of discrimination in the media as black and Latinos, a substantial amount of discrimination exists such that pro-active measures need to be taken to reduce the oppression. Changing the depictions of Asian Americans in the media requires a pro-active approach. One example of this pro-active approach was undertaken by performance artist Kristina Wong. Wong recognized that not only was there a limited amount of depictions of Asian Americans on television but that these depictions were often-based on out-dated stereotypes that did not effectively display the Asian American experience. As a means of counter-acting these depictions Wong joined a reality television show and used the venue as a means of portraying Asian Americans in different contexts (Wong, 2014). While Wongââ¬â¢s approach to changing
Friday, October 18, 2019
Fight Club Analysis Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fight Club Analysis - Movie Review Example (Fight Club 1999); when he mentions the growing relationship between Tyler and Marla; and when he talks about the destructiveness of Project Mayhem. But in many cases too, words of the actual actors take over. In some places, especially where the narrator is talking, the dialogues are brief and to the point, just added to move the story forward at that particular point in time. Take for instance the opening scene at the support centre for men with testicular cancer where Bob Paulson, weeping, chips in a question to the protagonist, 'Are we still men' (Fight Club 1999), while the protagonist/narrator's voice, is telling the story in the background. In other scenes in the movie the dialogues are longer, starting with the time the protagonist meets Marla Singer, and discovers that she is faking her reason for being at the therapy session. They hold a conversation after the session. Other longer dialogue scenes include when the narrator meets Tyler Durden, the time the Fight Club begins, and the scene in the bathroom where the narrator and Tyler have a talk. For the fighting in the film, the actors were expected to show real fighting skills. Light and Colour Fight Club has good art direction (Linson 2004). The director, David Fincher, gave a vivid effect to the colour. As a result of this, people appear kind of shiny. Colours were also added to some nighttime shootings. A Super 35 format was used in shooting Fight Club. The narrator's scenes without Tyler Durden, the scenes are casual to look at. Those scenes which have Tyler in them have more visual effects, looking more real than is normal. Many parts of the film were shot at night, while those that were taken during the day... Giroux, H. A. (2001). "Brutalized Bodies and Emasculated Politics: Fight Club, Consumerism, and Masculine Violence", Breaking in to the Movies: Film and the Culture of Politics. New York, Blackwell Publishing Limited, 258-88
Medical School Application Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Medical School Application Question - Essay Example It is seen that the government has a lesser share than the private entities in the field of health care. Insurance policies have however been given out to individuals who are needy by the government from programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. If I had the opportunity to change the health care system of the United States I would firstly change the whole set up of the facilities provided. The government share in the health care facilities would be increased by me so that a monopoly is not created in the health care of United States. I would create hospitals which would be designed for the overall general public and not only for a particular segment. The health care professionals would be given such expertise by me that they would change the system as a whole. They would be given the expertise to research on certain diseases and would be given the charge of finding out the root cause of the disease. This way the health care in United States might find a breakthrough in decreasing the n umber of patients. Not only this, but several other health care facilities would be formed by me which would help to decrease the load of patients on a single hospital. The healthcare of the United States is proficient in spending as it is spending much more dollars on a person than any other healthcare in the world. The number of uninsured in the United States is much more than many countries as the percentage uninsured are almost 45%. The insurance policies issued in Canada are much more effective and funded by the government than those of the United States. It is seen that the insurance coverage of the United States is not as perfect as it should be but the new health care reform introduced by Barack Obama might prove to be a success for many uninsured individuals. The health facilities are not adequate enough yet in the United States to
Non Profit Organizations Inter Agency Collaboration Thesis
Non Profit Organizations Inter Agency Collaboration - Thesis Example horities will seek to align and incorporate strategic objectives while retaining flexibility and influence over outcomes and assuring value for moneyâ⬠(21). This implies that the vision shared by the collaborating agencies call for an alignment of their business culture and aspirations for comparable levels of service quality that entails commitment to openness between these agencies (Foster, 2002). In the case of non profit organizations, collaboration between agencies is usually the practice in the implementation of joint projects for the welfare of their stakeholders. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses ââ¬Å"nonprofitâ⬠as a legal term referring to organizations that may only use their revenues for their charitable or educational mission rather than profiting from their projects and distributing the profits to owners or shareholders (Eschenfelder, 2007). These nonprofit organizations are classified as tax exempt. Those who donate to public charity can claim a tax deduction (Berry, 2005). Unlike governments, non-profit agencies have no taxing authority, so they are reliant on charitable donations, volunteerism and grants from private foundations and government (Eschenfelder, 2007). It follows that nonprofit organizations face the perennial challenge of securing funds to cover costs of implementing their mission. Arsenault (1998) contends that nonprofit organizations maintain separate systems simultaneously: that of obtaining resources and another system serving their consumers. On the contrary, for-profit organizations operate only under one system that involves consumers purchasing products and services for the revenue generation of the organization ââ¬â both processes happening simultaneously in just one system (148). In addition, nonprofits that use volunteers manage two human resources systems: the employed staff and another system for the volunteers. It is apparent that planning a nonprofit merger is more complex due to all the considerations
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Origins of Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Origins of Nursing - Research Paper Example When the same person is not in a position to carry out these activities owing to illness, and there comes someone who can assist this person in performing the activities which aid in the personââ¬â¢s recovery or a peaceful death, then that is nursing. The International Council of Nurses defines nursing as ââ¬Å"to assist an individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or to its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in such a way as to help in gaining independence as rapidly as possibleâ⬠(Baly 51). Nursing has been a profession to many old and young people across generations and nations. In addition, it is viewed to be among the oldest humanitarian services (Baly 177). Scientifically, nursing is a body on its own, and not only is it a science but also an art, providing skillful health care to patients in a way that enhances the general relati onships between the patient, family and the nurses (Pavey 59). From a direct point of view, nursing deals with illness prevention and ensuring of quality health standards. From a wider point of view, nursing does not just concern itself with care of the sick and ageing, but it is also concerned with the conservation of good health practices and prevention of medical disorders. The artistry of nursing is likened to the care mothers gave to their families in ancient homes. It is believed that this art has been modeled over time into modern nursing that is skilled and a science that is well-organized. It is evident that nursing has undergone numerous changes across centuries and continents. A study conducted on nursing will highlight the problems faced in the past, the solution to those problems and how nursing has evolved despite the various obstacles. Traditionally, when a mother took tender care of her sick young one, it was a sign of nursing. Along with these natural abilities that include mercy, love and kindness (humanitarianism), special training combined with suitable experience and self-sacrifice, a nursing profession has been created. Archaic Nursing. Many myths have been created, many tunes have been composed, and a handful of findings have been made about pre-historic humanââ¬â¢s care for the sick. In the ancient African setting, it was believed that illness was as a result of evil spirits (Nutting and Dock 44). To get rid of the evil spirit, traditional medicines were administered, drums beaten and magic rites performed so as to frighten away the spirits. The treatment done to the body was aimed at getting rid of these evil spirits. Other forms of traditional treatment include massage, bone setting as well as hot and warm/hot births etc. In this case, the doctor or the nurse was the medicine man, the witch doctor or the priest physician. Nursing in Ancient Egypt. Egypt has been known to be one of the key contributors of ancient discoveries. Accord ing to Nutting and Dock (24), nursing is one of them, and its origin has been associated with the Egyptians who viewed medicine to have its origin in divinity. Egypt holds home to one of the oldest records of medicine dating way back to 1600 B.C. (Pavey 86). Numerous medical sources, illustration of diseases and their associated treatments, surgery and medicine used are found in Hieroglyphic writings on papyrus which are in the temples of pre-historic Egypt and from the Pyramids.
Strategic Management CEO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Strategic Management CEO - Essay Example It appears that the management believes in making strategic moves to be in the best position for long-term benefits. According to the article reviewed, Google's vision has been sketched out. This may be asserted because of some of the elements that the CEO of Google, Mr. Schmidt, highlighted. To go back to Mr. Schmidt's beginning with Google, he first of all said that there "wasn't much of an infrastructure". With only three basic individuals in the decision-making process, Mr. Schmidt asserts, "two people have to agree". After this, the third one has to be convinced or the third one may try and work his thoughts against the two that agree. Aside from decision-making that decides a number of things, Google's vision is to be prepared. This is why they consider the future and also consider reasons for an IPO, such as "either liquidity, venture returns, the ability to do acquisitions". However, Mr. Schmidt says that Google does not have any such "pressure", and so, they think about what they can do to finance newer projects of Google with lower risk. According to Mr. Schmidt, Google had one objective from day one, which was to "build a culture". Indeed, Google has achieved this over its period of existence. However, the job is not done yet, as there is a more that this company can do.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Origins of Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Origins of Nursing - Research Paper Example When the same person is not in a position to carry out these activities owing to illness, and there comes someone who can assist this person in performing the activities which aid in the personââ¬â¢s recovery or a peaceful death, then that is nursing. The International Council of Nurses defines nursing as ââ¬Å"to assist an individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or to its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in such a way as to help in gaining independence as rapidly as possibleâ⬠(Baly 51). Nursing has been a profession to many old and young people across generations and nations. In addition, it is viewed to be among the oldest humanitarian services (Baly 177). Scientifically, nursing is a body on its own, and not only is it a science but also an art, providing skillful health care to patients in a way that enhances the general relati onships between the patient, family and the nurses (Pavey 59). From a direct point of view, nursing deals with illness prevention and ensuring of quality health standards. From a wider point of view, nursing does not just concern itself with care of the sick and ageing, but it is also concerned with the conservation of good health practices and prevention of medical disorders. The artistry of nursing is likened to the care mothers gave to their families in ancient homes. It is believed that this art has been modeled over time into modern nursing that is skilled and a science that is well-organized. It is evident that nursing has undergone numerous changes across centuries and continents. A study conducted on nursing will highlight the problems faced in the past, the solution to those problems and how nursing has evolved despite the various obstacles. Traditionally, when a mother took tender care of her sick young one, it was a sign of nursing. Along with these natural abilities that include mercy, love and kindness (humanitarianism), special training combined with suitable experience and self-sacrifice, a nursing profession has been created. Archaic Nursing. Many myths have been created, many tunes have been composed, and a handful of findings have been made about pre-historic humanââ¬â¢s care for the sick. In the ancient African setting, it was believed that illness was as a result of evil spirits (Nutting and Dock 44). To get rid of the evil spirit, traditional medicines were administered, drums beaten and magic rites performed so as to frighten away the spirits. The treatment done to the body was aimed at getting rid of these evil spirits. Other forms of traditional treatment include massage, bone setting as well as hot and warm/hot births etc. In this case, the doctor or the nurse was the medicine man, the witch doctor or the priest physician. Nursing in Ancient Egypt. Egypt has been known to be one of the key contributors of ancient discoveries. Accord ing to Nutting and Dock (24), nursing is one of them, and its origin has been associated with the Egyptians who viewed medicine to have its origin in divinity. Egypt holds home to one of the oldest records of medicine dating way back to 1600 B.C. (Pavey 86). Numerous medical sources, illustration of diseases and their associated treatments, surgery and medicine used are found in Hieroglyphic writings on papyrus which are in the temples of pre-historic Egypt and from the Pyramids.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Does God Have a Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Does God Have a Future - Essay Example Because by definition this is impossible many philosophers have relegated God to the dead letter box. But God is simply the belief that we each hold that defines the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil. It doesn't necessarily take a 'man in the sky' viewpoint to hold a belief in God or religion. Science changes its explanations and theories with time and so does God. This is not a dead God; it is a living and growing God. Armstrong contends that a "committed atheism can be more religious than a weary or inadequate theism". She points out that any explanation for God is either absurd or tyrannical. However, she uses the most extreme and lame versions of religion to cast her judgments. The living and evolving God is not left behind as a worn out concept, unable to keep up with science and technology. In fact, this is exactly why people are returning to God. We face challenges in our modern world that can't be confronted simply on logical or scientific terms. The decisions that we make need to resonate with the belief that there is a lasting good to come from them. This comes by being rooted in the 'passionate theism' that guides us. God may be a new and improved version of the previous over-ruling tormentor and keeper of the gates of hell.
Monday, October 14, 2019
PPDP provides skills level mapping tool
PPDP provides skills level mapping tool OUT Come 14; Demonstrate responsibility for ones own learning through the development of a portfolioof practice and recognise when further learning is required. Evidence Doc; P1S3R32(Reflection on placement 1) One of the important learning from my 1st placement is the development of personal and professional development portfolio (PPDP). PPDP provides skills level mapping tool and planning for further skills (Wenzel et al 1998).PPDP is developed by nurses and other health care professionals in their professional career (Oermann 2002). When I started my placement, I have no idea; Why I need to develop PPDP? What is the importance of PPDP and how PPDP helps in building up personal and professional development (Trossman 1999)? Soon, I could understand the fact that PPDP are reflection of nurses skill level and provides a tool for development of professional skills (Kelly 1995). My PPDP consists of three main components; Assessment of skills including self, peers and mentors assessments, preparation of action plans for further development and reviews of achieved skills at various intervals. In developing the first part of my PPDP, I looked at essential skill clusters recommended by NMC for nurses (Semple et al 2003) and then I evaluated my current skill levels before developing my PPDP. A nurse should evaluate personal and professional skills throughout his/her professional career (Meeks et al 1995). Actually, it is a time of competition and perfection. In the environment of constant competition and improvement, the knowledge and skills required to enter nursing practice are never sufficient (Cary et al 2005). Therefore, it is recommended for nurses to improve their essential skills through development of PPDP (Cayne 1995). In the first part of my PPDP, I took assessment of my current skills through self evaluation, assessment by my mentor and by taking views of my peers and even clients views on my essential skills to become a good professional nurse. PPDP is an assessment tool for ones skills level (Lettus et al 2001). PPDP are used for continued personal and professional development of nurses (Meister et al 2002). Similarly, I could know that I was deficient in some skills like communication, addressing client, keeping confidentiality etc. By developing PPDP, I also identified that I need to develop some new skills to reach nursing professional standard. First, I thought that only my self assessment is sufficient to evaluate my current skills level. However, there was a question in my mind; Can we rely on self assessment only? The answer comes in No in a study conducted on physician whom self assessment were different than assessment done by external agencies (Davis et al 2006). Then I thought why only self assessment is not sufficient to evaluate ones own skill level. Actually, the assessment of PPDP depends upon assessors individuality (McMullin et al 2004). The angle, way of thinking and thinking approach of myself may be different than others. Secondly other observers like my peers and mentor would be more experienced than me and can reflect more perfectly on my deficiencies and weaknesses in my skills. An external assessor looks at the competencies or the extent of learning in comparison of individuals capacity of self evaluation ( Davis et al 2006). Self assessment could be wrong or weak (Forker et al 1996). Therefore self asse ssment should be counter checked by feedback from experienced people. In performing the evaluation of my skills level, I therefore used not only my self assessment but also feedback from my mentor and peers. Development of PPDP is used to enhance learning skills and abilities by keeping records of current essential skills and planning for development of future skills (Hoban 2003). In developing my PPDP, I recorded my trainings, qualifications and achievements in one compartment. Portfolios are individualised, organised, selective, ongoing and reflective (Hall et al 1996). Similarly, my portfolio would be different from others in arrangement and collection of myself information. I have started developing my PPDP in my first placement but it will continue throughout my training and later on in my professional career. The second compartment of my PPDP consists on action plans for development of my deficient skills and need for new skills. Development of action plans seemed to be not much important to me at the beginning of my placement. But later on, I could understand the value of action plans, without those, I could not be able to look at my deficient skills and could not take necessary steps to learn new skills. PPDP are also used as past reference of learning weaknesses and thus lead to avoid further errors in future (Karlowicz 2000). Similarly, I could find out where I have made mistakes in my first placement. For example, I was using real name of client in my reflection but my mentor asked me to used fictitious names for DATA protection act. Thus I could know the importance of confidentiality and decided not to disclose clients information without his/her consent. Again the development of action plans were a difficult job and only my understanding was not sufficient. Therefore, action plans were developed and agreed with my mentor in my supervisions. The third part of my PPDP consists on assessment reviews. It is the stage where achievement of new skills and improvement of current skills are evaluated and further developmental needs are identified (Tiwari et al 2003). I took my skill assessment reviews with my mentor. My mentor looked at last action plans and identified my achieved skills since my last action plan. Assessment reviews are also focused on needs to develop further skills in a PPDP (Weinstein 2002). Assessment reviews identify issues in PPDP where student fails to achieve required skill level (Moses 2000). Similarly, my mentor found out few skills which I could not achieve due to non-opportunity at the placement site. I have decided to use assessment reviews in my PPDP to enhance my existing skills to the professional level of nursing standard recommended by NMC (UKCC 1992). SUMMARY I learnt from development of PPDP that I can make assessment of my skills not only by self assessment but with the help of feedback from other staff and experienced people like my mentor. I can use action plans for development of my further development in the light of feedback received by my peers, mentor, myself assessment and clients view. I can use assessment reviews to identify achievement of new skills, improvement of current skills and planning for further developmental needs. OUT Come 12; Demonstrate an understanding of the role of others by participating in inter-professional working practice. . Evidence Doc; P1S3R25(Reflection on community team meeting) I started my first placement at community mental health services. I had no idea about community mental health teams (CMHT) when I started my placement. How CMHT works? Who co-ordinate CMHT activities? Who take first intervention and at what level? How clients are referred to CMHT or how client find help from CMHT? These were all question in my mind at the beginning of my placement. I could not have chance to understand the working pattern of CMHT if I had not got a chance of getting an experienced and skilled mentor with central role in CMHT. My mentor works as care- coordinator in CMHT. Therefore, I have an advantage to learn inter-professional practice of my mentor among multidisciplinary team (MDT). I found that community mental health services run through MDT (Caldwell et al 2003). MDT consists on healthcare professionals, medics, social workers, care and support workers and consultants (OConnor et al 2006). A mental health nurse participates in MDT (Van 2004). In the beginning I was confused with an idea that why a single team could not be able to provide mental health services in community. Actually MDT work together to provide care to mental health clients (Clarke 2004). Diversity of knowledge, experience and skills in MDT members provide advantage to treat various mental health issues at multidisciplinary levels (Ellefsen 2002). However, there should always be an individual with central role to coordinate and collate the activities of MDT into a successful pattern to provide mental health services to client. Such a role of inter-professional working practice was my mentors job role. The MDT at my placement site consists on continuing care team, early intervention team and crisis intervention team. In addition to these teams at placement sites, other community mental health teams like transcultural team, community day services, home treatment team and various volunteer and trust organizations like MIND, RETHINK, SPACE, Fitzwilliam center participate in MDT. Each community care team consists on individuals of various behaviour, knowledge, skills and experience. My team was continuing care team consisting on three members from various professions, experience and knowledge. My team interacts with other teams and health professionals during meetings and in providing support to client. I have got chance to look at interaction of my mentor with members of other MDT members. For example, in community meetings, my mentor took feedback from other team members and provided updating on care issues of mental health clients. Each case is discussed individually and any progress or deterioration is discussed and evaluated (Elkan et al 2000). My mentor plays a vital role in co-coordinating, monitoring and supervising inter-professional activities while caring for mental health clients. For example, a clients family was much worried about the client as they were going away for two day. The client was on Methadone and has taken detox treatment from Fitzwilliam center in last few months. However he has been taking over dose of a medicine named Zopliclone tab in last few weeks. There was risk of leaving him alone at home. The family has not taken an opportunity of recreation for long time. On this weekend family decided to go on beach for two days. Family was much worried about the client. There were multiple aspects in the care of client. On one hand clients safety was issue and on the other hand family worry needs to be considered. Furthermore, methadone dosage need reviewing, clients habit to take over dosage of Zopliclone tablet need to be considered. Many members of MDT seemed to be involved in one clients needs. Therefore, my mentor organized inters professional practice. He explained in meeting that he has arranged support worker to keep close contact with client. My mentor also contacted to home treatment team to visit client every day. In addition to that my mentor will be visiting to client as well. He requested to social worker to ensure family that the client will be safe. My mentor also mentioned that he has contacted Fitzwilliam center to review methadone dosage as client seemed to be fit on less dosage. In addition to that my mentor has contacted to GP t o review clients medication under recent changes. Actually, my mentor act to inter connects various healthcare professionals activities while providing care to the client. Thus I learnt that a care-coordinator carry out inter professional practice to combine individual efforts of care in the form of a united care plan for clients care, management. SUMMARY The role of my mentor as care co-coordinator in his inters professional working practice was enough observation for me to understand his role in organizing various professional activities. Inter- Professional practice co-ordinate activities between various health professionals. Inter- Professional practice combine efforts of various healthcare professionals to result in a united and single agreed care plan. Each member of MDT receives multiple feedbacks from various members of MDT and feedback may oscillate forward and backward creating a sense of care and treatment. For example if my mentor has not organized inter professional practice, home treatment team could not care the client at home, social worker could not know about the risk involved in leaving client alone and GP would not get feedback regarding reviewing Tab Zopliclone and changing it with less adaptive sleeping tablet. OUT Come 10; Recognose situation in which agreed plans of nursing careno longer appear appropriate and refer these to an accountable practitioner. Evidence Doc; P1S3R21(Reflection onfollow up of client LD) When I started placement, it looked impossible for me to review a care plan and to feel need to review a care plan. I was not sure, why a care plan change? How a care plan change? What are the circumstances which may change clients care plan? My initial understanding was review of a care plan at regular and fixed intervals. But my understanding about review of care plan changed when I made visits to client Ld in the supervision of my mentor. Care plans are agreed plans for providing nursing care to clients (Baker 2003). Care plans are prepared after risk assessments and client involvement. (Olofsson et al 2000). Care plans are reviewed after regular intervals but may change immediately followed by some major changes in risk assessments associated to a client. This happened when Client Lds risk assessment change followed by changes in circumstance and therefore care plane was reviewed. I made visits to client Ld with my mentor. History of Ld goes back to the time when her immigration status was changed. Ld belongs to an area where army revolution has caused many sad incidences. Rape of young girls was common and Ld was one of these victims. Ld could escape to UK and applied for asylum but could not prove evidence. Resultantly her asylum was refused. As a result of stress, Ld started getting obsessions of rape and got fits as well due to fear and anxiety of going back to same environment. The changes in Lds circumstance were negative as her mental health and socio-economical status was deteriorated. I got information by looking at Client Lds history that a care plan was revised first time when Client Ld started getting fits. Ambulance services were called and Ld was hospitalized. Then Crisis team revised care plan at first time. According to care plan, Ld was treated for mental illness called schizophrenia (Lysaker et al 2010). She was also provided free legal aid to appeal for her immigration status. Lds anxiety and insomnia was also considered as risk factor for Lds mental health. At the time, Lds immigration status was refused; she was living in shared accommodation. Financial resources were not very good as she was provided very little money in addition to shared accommodation. Then she started obsession and fits. It was the first time when Lds care plan was changed in response to quick changes. As anxiety and stress was considered as a cause of fits, a supported accommodation was planned. Medication for obsession (Tab Clozapine) and insomnia and anxiety (Tab Lorazepam) was prescribed by GP and was a part of care plan. A social worker and interpreter were also allocated to Ld for assistance in living and reducing anxiety and stress. This was the first time; I observed change in Lds care plan following by an abrupt change in Lds circumstances. The cause or change in Lds circumstances was negative as Lds mental issue and vulnerability was deteriorated. Therefore, a close observation with more precise care was recommended in care plan. When I looked at Lds mental health history and crisis teams intervention, I could understand that crisis team reviewd care plan after evaluating potential risk factors. My direct observation (when Lds care plan was changed at second time followed by change in her circumstances) was the time when Lds circumstance has positively improved. It was the second occasion when Lds care plan was changed following a steep change in her circumstance. It was the time when Lds asylum has been accepted and Ld started getting improved in her mental illness. She has not got fits for a long time. She has started living in supported accommodation. She has started going out in community to make friends and having coffee at coffee evening. Ld is due to Start College in September. I observed that it was positive change in circumstance as compared to negative changes when Lds mental health deteriorated in first intervention. I could conclude that why my mentor was suggesting review of Lds care plan. Actually risk assessment has changed as risk factors for Lds mental health are reduced. Need for medication has changed. Therefore, my mentor felt a review of medication and r eferred client to consultant for medication review. The same dose of Tab Lorazepam was causing more sleep than required for calmness when clients anxiety was high. Client Lds improvement in mental health status has identified her needs for social interaction and therefore an independent accommodation was recommended in reviewed care plan. As Client Lds social interaction will increase soon, she will need more financial help. As a result of success in asylum, Ld deserves more financial aid now. Therefore it was recommended in care plan to help Ld to apply for her benefits. As Ld would be getting more financial help, it was felt that Ld should be provided help in managing her budget as she will be living independently. Therefore, social worker was requested to help Ld making her monthly budget. It was also a part of reviewed care plan. Clients participation and consultation from experts are final steps in care plan review (Hunt et al 1994). Client Ld was involved in care plan review at all stages. My mentor asked her at each step of review if she was happy with changes in care plan. A final opinion was taken from consultant before finally reviewing Lds care plan. Client Ld case has provided me understanding that a care plan goes out of date when personal, mental health, financial and social issues change. The change in circumstance may be positive in case of improvement or negative in case of deterioration of mental health issues or socio-economical issues. Lds case is a perfect example of care plan review followed by positive and negative changes in circumstances. (Word limit 2750) SUMMARY Learning from client Lds case Is practical experience of stress vulnerability model (Zubin et al 1977). Was needed to change in care plan followed by an immediate change in circumstances of a client. For example, client Lds circumstance change twice times. Once negatively when crisis team drafted first care plan and secondly as positively when my mentor reviewed her care plan. I can understand that care plans are reviewed followed by any change in clients mental health issues and other circumstances resulting in changes in risk assessment. CONCLUSION The placement has provided me clear idea and good understanding of the skills required to be a professional mental health nurse. I learnt about development of PPDP, care plans review followed by immediately changes associated to a client environment, the role of a care coordinator to work in inter-professional practice and many other essential skills to become a professional mental health nurse. In developing a PPDP, I learnt making initial assessment of skills required to reach nursing standards, preparation of action plans to identify past mistakes, future planning for skills and review of skills at the end of each action plan duration. 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